A snakebot is being prepared to carry-out cardiac surgery by a team of doctors at Cardiorobotics. Their version of the snakebot is known are ARM or Articulated Robotic Medprobe. It is a teleoperated robot consisting of a series of links. In an earlier post on August 10, 2009, I wrote about this snakebot for heart surgery being developed at the Newport, Rhode Island company. Because of the snakebot’s ability to bend into many shapes, it is being developed to assist in delicate surgeries. Check out the stories below. You can see a video of the original version of this snakebot surgeon on You Tube.
The central element of our technology is a teleoperated probe consisting of a series of links. The probe is highly flexible and thus either assumes the shape of its surroundings or can be reshaped.
This teleoperated, highly articulated probe with a non-linear lumen is called an Articulated Robotic MedProbe or ARM™.
Tue, 15 Dec 2009 11:38:00 GMT