LEGO Mindstorms has long been the robotics kit of choice for education. Now, TETRIX, which uses metal parts in its kits, has joined with LEGO Education to produce kits at Pitsco that join metal and plastic together to make robots. One of the first applications of this system has been the FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC). FTC is run by FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology), which was co-founded by Dean Kamen. The kit was used in the 2008 – 2009 season. With a unique construction system, these robots are the basis for a coming revolution in educational robotics. Check out the article link below.
Credit: Gatehouse Media, Inc
Forget about the clunky metal monsters from those science fiction movies. The latest robots are learning tools that can inspire students around the world to create and achieve. And they’re coming out of Pittsburg — from Pitsco, to be exact.
Pitsco robots designed to take over education (The Morning Sun)
Wed, 19 Aug 2009 05:53:03 GMT
* As a postscript to this article, I wished to explain why there is no Weekly Newswrap this week. For three days this week, I have been on the road and spending my days (and some nights) in meetings. Simply stated, I did not have the time to make as many posts as usual. Furthermore, I did not have the opportunity to research enough stories to build up a backlog of potential stories for the newswrap. Next week will bring a more normal schedule. Thanks for reading RobotNext.