In keeping with my search for robots based on nature, here is the window-washing robot based on a snail. This Japanese group has designed the robot to clean windows and other hard to reach vertical surfaces. It works by suction forces holding it to the glass or wall. Of course, it does have a safety cable and the compressor for the robotic snail is on the roof. You can read more about this at the links below. Click on the photo for a better view and check out the other photos at JDF.
Photo Credit: JDF
This bot does windows and walls, and any other flat surface a human cannot reach easily. The Snail by Yasunori Goto, Ibe Tommokichi and Hirata Ichiro, climbs and sticks to surfaces with the help of air compression suction.
Snail Window Cleaning Bot | Robot Snob
Refer to the following for more information:
JDF International Design Contest
Snail Window Cleaning Bot | Robot Snob
Sheila Franklin
Fri, 12 Jun 2009 10:32:16 GMT