A group of Korean scientists, led by Dr. Ryuh Young-sun, have developed a robotic fish. The team, located at the Korea Institute of Industrial Technology, debuted the fishbot in an aquarium at BEXCO. The researchers teleoperated the robotic fish. Named "Ichthys," the Greek word for fish, the robot can swim for four hours on one charge of its power supply. It is able to go to depths of 100 meters. Furthermore, the robofish has an onboard GPS device which allows it to find locations for recharging its batteries. It seems as if robotic fish are being developed everywhere. RobotNext had an earlier story on the MIT robot fish. It is beginning to look like fishbots are as popular as snakebots. Check out the links to the original story below.
Credit: The Chosun IIbo
A robotic fish developed by Korean scientists
After the pollution sniffing fish , MIT did a school of robotic fish to let the mechanical geniuses take to the aquatic world.
Robotic fish from Korea, brilliance for shallow waters
Thu, 03 Sep 2009 18:07:02 GMT