In a desperate effort to stop the massive oil leak occurring in the Gulf of Mexico, robots are attempting to seal off the well spewing the crude. These machines are controlled from the surface by operators trained to operate them in the darkness over 5,000 feet below sea level. Robots once again are showing that they have an important role to play in areas where it is impossible for humans to operate outside of specially designed vehicles. If the robots cannot turn off the leaks, then it could be months before the leaks are stopped. Read the story at the link below.
“Pilots using jetfighter-like joy sticks and computer screens to guide robots a mile underwater are crucial to BP’s efforts to stop a leaking oil well that’s gushing thousands of barrels a day in the Gulf of Mexico.”
David Wethe on May 4 at
Underwater Robots Probe ‘Inner Space’ to Plug Leaking Oil Well –