The Carman Valley Leader has this story on robots that are helping to run a high-tech dairy farm. In the photo below a robot assists the cattle by pushing the feed towards them. Other robots actually milk the cows. They target in on the cow’s udders using laser guidance. And they are persistent, they never give up in their quest to get the milk! This does not look like my uncle’s dairy farm for sure. Take a look at the story be following the link below.
Photo by Glen Hallick
Robots are replacing milking machines at Halarda Farms owned by the Borst family.
The large dairy operation northwest of Elm Creek hosted a Nov. 20 open house. Guests were given tours of the dairy, including the barns with robot milkers.
Halarda has eight of these stationary machines each guided by three lasers on to the cows' udders.
Laser guided robots milk cows
(author unknown)
Fri, 04 Dec 2009 07:24:14 GMT